How to Prepare Your Furnace for Heating Season
There is always this period of weather in El Paso when we use the cooling system as well as the heat. Systems with auto-changeover are great as we are transitioning to heating season. It’s also good to know that the furnace has been inspected and is ready to heat the home at this time—not just for smooth operation, but for the safety of your family.
To prepare the furnace for cold weather, make sure you have done the following:
Get your fall preventive maintenance inspection done – Fall furnace maintenance is important to the continued high efficiency operation of your heating system. It can also help keep those utility bills in check. But mostly, fall furnace maintenance checks for harmful leaks and other problems before they become major issues.
Replace the furnace filter - Furnace filters should be replaced at least every other month. The filters capture dust and dirt and other harmful airborne particles during the intake of air. If they're not changed regularly, they can pass through bad air, clog and pass little air, and/or cause premature failure to your heating system.
Test your thermostat – Thermostats don’t last forever. In fact, after 5-10 years (depending on the quality of the thermostat), they start to affect the efficient operation of your furnace. Fall maintenance includes a check of your thermostat, to ensure it is working properly. You may want to consider a learning thermostat, like Ecobee, to ensure you are getting the most efficiency from your system. Ecobee is one of only two thermostats endorsed by Energy Star. Wi-Fi operation helps to control it, even when “away from home!” Call Total Air for more information on the benefits of the Ecobee thermostats.
Safety first! It is always highly recommended that you call the professionals at Total Air to turn on that furnace for the first time in fall. Call today to schedule your fall furnace preventive maintenance and enjoy the transition into cold weather in El Paso. Schedule maintenance with Total Air by calling 915-585-0909 or contact us at